rfk jr books

13 Books Written by RFK Jr – See the List and Reviews Here

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an accomplished environmental activist, attorney, and author, has made significant contributions to the literary landscape with his thought-provoking books. Throughout his career RFK Jr. has fearlessly delved into topics ranging from environmental conservation and public health to social justice and political analysis!

Each page of his writings reflects his unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Below we cover RFK Jr’s 13 books published, and go through the pages of RFK Jr.’s notable books, exploring the ideas, insights, and revelations that have shaped his literary legacy.

From stirring biographies to thought-provoking exposés, Kennedy Jr.’s writings offer readers a compelling invitation to contemplate and engage with some of the most pressing issues of our time. Join us as we delve into the captivating world of RFK Jr.’s literary works, discovering the power of his words and the impact they have on our collective consciousness.

10 Books Written by RFK Jr:

  1. “Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr.: A Biography” (1978): This book provides a biography of Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr., an influential federal judge known for his rulings on civil rights cases during the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
  2. “The Riverkeepers: Two Activists Fight to Reclaim Our Environment as a Basic Human Right” (1997): Co-authored with John Cronin, this book tells the story of two activists who fought to protect and restore the environment, particularly focusing on the importance of clean water as a fundamental human right.
  3. “Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy” (2005): In this book, RFK Jr. criticizes the environmental policies of President George W. Bush and his administration, arguing that their actions harm the country’s natural resources and democratic processes.
  4. “Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury – a Known Neurotoxin – from Vaccines” (2014): Edited by Robert F. RFK Jr. this book presents scientific evidence supporting the removal of thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, from vaccines, raising concerns about its potential neurotoxic effects.
  5. “Framed: Why Michael Skakel Spent Over a Decade in Prison For a Murder He Didn’t Commit” (2016): In this book, RFK Jr. explores the case of Michael Skakel, who was wrongfully convicted for a murder he maintains he did not commit, shedding light on the flaws within the criminal justice system.
  6. “American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family” (2018): Drawing from his personal experiences, RFK Jr. shares insights and lessons learned from his family, particularly his father, Robert F. Kennedy, highlighting the importance of American values in shaping society.
  7. “Climate in Crisis: Who’s Causing It, Who’s Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It’s Too Late” (2020): Co-authored with Dick Russell, this book addresses the issue of climate change, exploring the causes behind it, the efforts to combat it, and potential solutions to reverse its effects.
  8. “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” (2021): RFK Jr. presents a critical examination of Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and the pharmaceutical industry, discussing their influence on public health policies and raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest.
  9. “A Letter to Liberals” (2022): In this book, RFK Jr. addresses liberal readers, discussing his perspectives on various political and social issues and offering insights into his vision for the future.
  10. “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio–Pharmaceutical Complex” (2022): Co-authored with John Leake and Peter A. McCullough, this book provides information and strategies for preventing severe illness and death from COVID-19, focusing on approaches beyond pharmaceutical interventions.

Children’s Books by RFK Jr:

  • “St. Francis of Assisi: A Life of Joy” (2004): A children’s book that tells the story of St. Francis of Assisi, emphasizing his life of joy and his love for animals and nature.
  • “Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s American Heroes: The Story of Joshua Chamberlain and the American Civil War” (2007): Aimed at young readers, this book recounts the inspiring story of Joshua Chamberlain, a Civil War hero and a symbol of bravery and leadership.
  • “Robert Smalls: The Boat Thief” (2008): This children’s book narrates the true story of Robert Smalls, an enslaved African American who courageously escaped slavery by stealing a Confederate ship during the American Civil War.

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