Unbiased Info: RFK Jr on Vaccines


rfk jr vaccines
RFK Jr's goals for a vaccine panel:

"To make sure that we're getting good science out of CDC."

On vaccines:

"I am pro-vaccine. I had all my kids vaccinated. I think vaccines save lives."

COVID-19 Vaccine

RFK Jr. has been a prominent figure in the vaccine debate, expressing concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine. He has questioned its safety and efficacy, raising doubts about its long-term effects.

MMR Vaccine

RFK Jr. has been critical of the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine, raising concerns about its safety and potential links to autism. He has claimed that the vaccine contains mercury and other harmful substances that could have negative health effects.

HPV Vaccines

RFK Jr. has expressed skepticism about the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine, suggesting that it may have serious side effects. He has raised concerns about the long-term safety of the vaccine and its potential links to autoimmune disorders. Read about RFK Jr on HPV vaccines here.

Tetanus Vaccine

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been critical of the tetanus vaccine, expressing concerns about its safety and the presence of thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, in some formulations.

Influenza (Flu) Vaccines

RFK Jr. has raised concerns about the safety and potential side effects of the influenza (flu) vaccine. He has questioned its efficacy and has suggested that it may not be necessary for certain populations.

Hepatitis B Vaccine

RFK Jr mistrusts the hepatitis B vaccine due to concerns about the safety and potential adverse effects associated with its use, particularly in newborns. Some of his concerns may stem from a belief that the vaccine contains certain ingredients, such as preservatives or adjuvants, that he views as potentially harmful.