
rfk jr trump

Is RFK Jr a VP Candidate? For Either Party?

  Is RFK Jr currently a VP candidate? No, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not currently a candidate for Vice President of the United States. Some key points: RFK Jr. has never run for or been elected to any major public office. He is a lawyer and environmental activist. In 2020, there was some speculation that RFK Jr. could be considered by Joe Biden as a potential VP pick. However, Biden chose Senator Kamala Harris instead. RFK Jr. was mentioned as a possible VP choice for Jill Stein on the Green Party ticket in 2016, but she ultimately chose Ajamu Baraka as her running mate. Some progressive activists have voiced support for an RFK Jr. candidacy in the past, but he has never officially campaigned or been nominated by any party. He is the son of Bobby Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968 while running for the Democratic presidential nomination. RFK Jr. has not followed his father’s steps into pursuing high-level elected positions. While he comes from a legendary political family, RFK Jr. himself has not held elected office or officially run a campaign to become Vice President, despite some speculation that he could in the future. Will Trump choose RFK Jr as his VP running mate? A Trump/RFK JR ticket? Currently here is no indication that Donald Trump is considering Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as his potential running mate for the 2024 election. A few key points: RFK Jr. is a Democrat who endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016. He is not aligned with Trump politically. Trump has criticized RFK Jr. in the past for his views linking vaccines to autism, which Trump disagrees with. In 2020, RFK Jr. supported the Green Party presidential ticket of Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker. This goes against Trump and the Republican Party. RFK Jr. has promoted unfounded conspiracy theories about voter fraud in the 2020 election, claiming Trump won. However, Trump has not reciprocated interest in RFK Jr. as a running mate. Trump’s potential VP considerations for 2024 are expected to be Republican politicians like Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, or Kristi Noem rather than a Democrat like RFK Jr. RFK Jr. has never held elected office before. Trump is likely to choose someone with more political experience. At age 68 in 2024, RFK Jr. doesn’t meet the typical age demographic for a VP running mate. Trump may prefer someone younger. Why is there speculation that Trump may considering taking RFK Jr as his VP? The reason that President Trump may indeed take RFK Jr either as his running mate or give him a cabinet position is as follows: Trump hates the GOP establishment, and he does not owe them anything after they deserted him when he lost to Biden in 2020. Also, Trump is partial to big names, and Kennedy is as big as it gets in the political realm. Trump has praised RFK Jr, and RFK Jr has praised Trump. Something is going on here. “He’s a very smart person. I know a lot of the members of that family, and he’s a very smart guy. And he’s hit a little bit of a nerve. And a lot of Democrats I know want to vote for him,” Trump said in an interview on “Sunday Morning Futures” broadcast on Fox News about RFK Jr. RFK Jr has in turn praised Trump: “We’re gonna try to get the president to debate, we think it’s really important. It is important for the Democratic party because ultimately the president will have to debate a Republican, and likely, we don’t know, but it’s gonna be Trump…(he) has his own technique that people like, and it is like going to a prize fight and you need practice. And that usually happens during a primary, and asking [Biden] not to debate during the primary is like asking a prize fighter to practice for his big bout by sitting on the couch and eating Chick-fil-A,” he added. CBN News Discusses a potential Trump & RFK Jr Ticket:  

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rfk jr 2004

The 2004 presidential election was stolen

The 2004 presidential election was stolen: Kennedy Jr. said in a 2006 Rolling Stone article he was “convinced” that voter fraud in the 2004 presidential election allowed former Republican President George W. Bush to steal the victory from Democrat John Kerry, but while a 2005 postmortem by the Democratic Party found a breakdown of the election system in Ohio, it found no evidence of fraud. Robert F. Kennedy Jr: The 2004 U.S. presidential election was stolen or rigged in favor of Republican candidate George W. Bush: In 2006, he published an article titled “Was the 2004 Election Stolen?” which questioned the results and suggested evidence of election irregularities and possible fraud in Ohio that favored Bush over Democrat John Kerry. He has cited statistics about vote discrepancies in Ohio, issues with electronic voting machines, voter suppression, and discrepancies between exit polls and final results as reasons to suspect the 2004 election was manipulated. Kennedy has specifically claimed Republicans engaged in voter suppression tactics aimed at minority groups who were more likely to vote Democrat in key swing states like Ohio. He contends there was political interference in vote counting and a lack of adequate investigation into alleged irregularities after the fact. In 2008 media appearances, Kennedy continued to argue that cheating and suppression distorted the 2004 election results. He suggested some of the issues in 2004 were worse than the controversial election between Bush and Al Gore in 2000. However, Kennedy acknowledges that providing definitive evidence of a stolen election is very difficult. But he remains suspicious of the 2004 result based on the alleged anomalies. Beyond Ohio, Kennedy pointed to then-Florida Secretary of State Glenda Hood, who he accused of using purged felon lists to suppress Democratic votes. Hood denied this. He suggested the Bush family historically engaged in “ballot-tampering” going back to the 1930s. Some historians argue this claim relied on questionable evidence. Kennedy put forward a whistleblower named Clint Curtis who claimed he was asked by GOP operatives to design vote-rigging software. Curtis’ claims were later undermined during testimony. He has continued asserting that 2004 marked one of the most “blatant” abuses of democratic processes in U.S. history. But he could not convince Kerry to act on it. In recent years, Kennedy has not focused as heavily on his 2004 stolen election theory. But he uses it to argue America’s elections lack sufficient safeguards for integrity and transparency. So while Kennedy stands by his assertions, they did not gain decisive proof or traction. The theories ultimately languished after peaking around 2006. So in summary, yes Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a prominent voice accusing Republicans of stealing or rigging the 2004 presidential election to re-elect George W. Bush, though he admits concrete proof is elusive. He wrote and spoke extensively about this viewpoint in the mid-2000s. What has been the response to Kennedy’s claims about the 2004 election? Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s allegations that the 2004 presidential election was stolen have garnered mixed reactions: Many Republicans and Bush supporters have strongly denied his claims and argued there is no credible evidence of systematic election rigging. Some criticize his assertions as conspiracy theories. Some neutral analysts and fact-checkers have said Kennedy raised thought-provoking points but did not conclusively prove election fraud on a scale that could have changed the result. A few politicians like John Conyers supported investigating Kennedy’s allegations, but no official investigation occurred. Mainstream media coverage was initially muted, though some columns and shows interviewed Kennedy about his claims. Overall his allegations got limited national traction. Democrats were somewhat divided. Some echoed Kennedy’s concerns, while others did not want to undermine Bush’s victory or were focused on looking ahead to 2008. John Kerry declined to contest the result. There were calls from some activists and bloggers to investigate and contest the 2004 election, but no broad meaningful effort materialized. A 2007 statistical study concluded the election results were consistent with exit poll discrepancies and that allegations of fraud were likely false. Since around 2006, Kennedy’s claims have gotten diminishing attention. The controversy faded without definitive proof on either side, though it remains disputed in some circles. So while his allegations gained Kennedy attention from 2004-2006, they did not gain widespread acceptance or credence. Critics say unproven fraud claims undermine democracy, while Kennedy maintains important questions remain. Some voting rights advocates and election integrity groups were sympathetic to Kennedy’s claims and used it to call attention to needed election reforms like paper trails for electronic voting. However, they were unable to provide hard evidence of systematic manipulation that altered the 2004 outcome. Republican strategists suggested Democrats were just making excuses for losing in 2004 and pointed to Bush’s lead in the popular vote as contrary evidence. Some called the fraud claims offensive. A few politicians like Rep. Jerrold Nadler continued efforts to investigate alleged voting irregularities in Ohio beyond 2006, but no revelations of fraud emerged. Kennedy’s 2006 article making the claims was published in Rolling Stone and on, giving it a platform but also opening him to criticisms of lacking rigor and proof in non-peer reviewed outlets. Theories persisted among some activists that Republicans had hacked vote tabulation, but state and federal courts rejected legal challenges claiming definitive evidence of vote count manipulation. Some of Kennedy’s points were echoed in the 2006 HBO documentary Hacking Democracy, but it didn’t change widespread opinion on the 2004 result. Polls showed most Americans continued to believe Bush’s 2004 victory was legitimate, despite Kennedy and others questioning it. In later years, Kennedy has focused more on general election integrity issues rather than re-litigating 2004 specifically. So while provocative for a time, Kennedy’s stolen election claims did not gain widespread credence or durable impact. However, they did highlight real voting issues activists continue focusing on today. What did John Kerry say about the 2004 presidential election conspiracy? Some voting rights advocates and election integrity groups were sympathetic to Kennedy’s claims and used it to call attention to needed election reforms like paper trails for electronic voting. However, they were unable to provide hard evidence of systematic manipulation that altered the 2004 outcome. Republican strategists suggested Democrats were just making excuses for losing in 2004 and pointed to Bush’s lead in the popular vote as contrary evidence. Some called the fraud claims offensive. A few politicians like Rep. Jerrold Nadler continued

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rfk jr age

RFK Jr.’s Age & Some Interesting RFK Age-Related Facts

How Old is RFK Jr? Born on January 17, 1954, RFK Jr. is 69 years old. Brief Timeline of RFK Jr’s 69 Years of Age: He was born on January 17, 1954. This makes his current age 68 as of 2022. He contracted laryngitis and suffered vocal cord paralysis at age 3 in 1957, which had a major impact on his voice from a very young age. He is the third oldest of Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy’s 11 children. RFK Jr. graduated from Harvard University in 1976 at the age of 22. He graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law when he was 27 years old in 1981. RFK Jr. is 18 years younger than his late father Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968 at the age of 42. He founded the Waterkeeper Alliance in 1999 when he was 45 years old. In recent years in his 60s, RFK Jr. has become known as a vocal anti-vaccine activist. 5 Interesting Facts Related to RFK Jr’s Age: RFK Jr. was born just 22 months after his uncle John F. Kennedy was elected President of the United States in 1960. When JFK was assassinated in 1963, RFK Jr. was only 9 years old. When RFK Jr. graduated from Harvard in 1976 at age 22, it had been less than a decade since his father was assassinated during his run for President in 1968. RFK Jr. lost his father when he was just 14. RFK Jr. is the same age (68) that his father Bobby Kennedy was when his grandson Joe Kennedy III was first elected to Congress in 2012 at age 32. Joe Kennedy III is RFK Jr.’s nephew. At age 27 when RFK Jr. graduated law school in 1981, his uncle Ted Kennedy was nearing the end of his nearly 50-year career as a Senator for Massachusetts. In 1999 at age 45, RFK Jr. founded the Waterkeeper Alliance. This was 36 years after the death of his father, who had also championed environmental causes as Senator in the 1960s. At RFK Jr’s Age, How Did He Remain So Strong and Healthy? Well for starters, there we have the shirtless RFK Jr workout meme that has gone viral. In many interviews, RFK Jr talks about his healthy diet, workouts, and supplements he takes to remain in shape and healthy. And perhaps, there is a bit more than just a routine; watch the video below to see what RFK Jr does to truly separate himself from his age bracket. The next time someone asks what is RFK Jr’s age, one can easily present the answer.

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young rfk jr

Why Does RFK Jr Talk Raspy? Does He Have a Voice Disorder?

What Is Wrong With Rfk Jr’s Voice? RFK Jr’s unique vocal quality has been a subject of curiosity and speculation among the public and media. His voice, characterized by a raspy and somewhat hoarse quality, has sparked questions about its underlying causes. RFK Jr has spoken about its cause, but there is also further speculation as to why his voice is so raspy. What does RFK Jr say about his voice? Did you know that RFK Jr has mentioned that he’s always been self-conscious about the unique sound of his speaking style, which he attributes to his genetic makeup? In interviews, RFK Jr has openly discussed his vocal differences and how they’ve affected his confidence. But not his height – RFK Jr’s height is doing just fine! He explains that his voice quality is a result of a condition called spasmodic dysphonia, which affects the muscles responsible for controlling the vocal cords. This condition causes involuntary spasms and disruptions in the normal functioning of the vocal cords, leading to a strained and hoarse voice. Spasmodic dysphonia is exceedingly rare, affecting one in 100,000, according to Cleveland Clinic estimates. “The disease didn’t hit me until I was about 43,” Kennedy told Oprah Winfrey in an interview in 2007 widely cited as the first time he publicly discussed his disorder. At the time, he noted “it is an effort” to speak despite it not being physically painful. RFK Jr also acknowledges that his voice has been a subject of criticism and speculation throughout his life. However, he’s embraced his vocal differences and sees them as a part of his identity. However, he has admitted that even he could not listen to himself: Medical Conditions and Voice Changes of RFK Jr Related to Spasmodic Dysphonia Despite facing challenges with a unique vocal condition, RFK Jr’s determination and resilience have allowed him to continue advocating for causes he believes in. RFK Jr has been vocal about his voice changes, attributing them to a condition known as spasmodic dysphonia. This is a neurological disorder that affects the muscles involved in speech production. It causes involuntary spasms in the vocal cords, leading to abnormal and strained voice quality.Spasmodic dysphonia is a rare condition that can significantly impact one’s ability to communicate effectively. RFK Jr has been open about his struggles with this condition, acknowledging the challenges it presents in his public speaking engagements. Despite this, he hasn’t let it hinder his passion for activism and his dedication to fighting for environmental causes. RFK Jr’s determination to raise awareness and his unwavering commitment to his beliefs have allowed him to overcome the vocal challenges posed by spasmodic dysphonia, serving as an inspiration to many facing similar difficulties. 5 Other Potential Causes for RFK Jr’s Raspy Voice: Though Spasmodic Dysphonia is the primary cause, here are 5 other potential causes which may be related to RFK Jr’s voice issues: Vocal Cord Damage as a Child When RFK Jr. was just 3 years old, he contracted laryngitis which led to vocal cord paralysis. This caused permanent damage to his vocal cords at a young age, resulting in a strained, raspy voice even after recovering. The vocal cord paralysis altered the tone and quality of his voice. Heavy SmokingRFK Jr. was also a longtime heavy smoker, smoking up to two packs of cigarettes per day for many years. The smoking exacerbated the existing damage to his vocal cords. The chemicals in cigarette smoke and the heat from smoking can cause inflammation of the vocal cords and voice strain over time. The raspy, scratchy sound of his voice today is likely a result of this prolonged strain. Genetic Predisposition Beyond the damage from laryngitis and smoking, it’s possible RFK Jr. had a genetic predisposition for a raspy voice. His father, Robert F. Kennedy, also spoke with a distinctive raspiness, though not as pronounced as his son’s. Some of the unique tone and pitch of RFK Jr.’s voice could simply be inherited. Vocal Nodules In addition to vocal cord paralysis, RFK Jr. may have developed vocal nodules on his vocal cords. These are benign growths that can form from trauma or overuse of the voice. Singers often develop nodules which also lend a raspy, hoarse quality to the voice. The combination of cord paralysis and nodules could make RFK Jr.’s voice strain. Allergies RFK Jr. has said he suffers from allergies and asthma. Respiratory issues like these can cause inflammation of the vocal cords and throat, leading to hoarseness or raspiness. Allergies may contribute to the scratchy quality in his voice at times. Can RFK Jr Fix His Voice Problems? RFK Jr has said that he had been obtaining Botox treatments for the disorder, but his clinicians “still [hadn’t] gotten [his] dose right.” Treatment guidance from the Stanford University School of Medicine notes that “[a]ll patients are different, and therefore the amount of Botox that is needed from patient to patient is different.” Was RFK Jr’s Voice Problem Caused by the Flu Vaccine Shot? While RFK Jr. has been a vocal critic of vaccines and flu shots in particular, there is no evidence or even claims from him that a vaccine caused his raspy voice. The raspy quality developed when he was a very young child, long before flu vaccines were in widespread use. The damage to his vocal cords from laryngitis, smoking, and possible genetic tendency are much more plausible explanations for his distinctive voice. Claims that a vaccine caused it are unsubstantiated.

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rfk jr nuclear power

What Are RFK Jr. Views on Nuclear Power?

RFK Jr is a well known environmental lawyer, however he also has certain views which may be branded as ‘right’ wing. The truth is, RFK Jr does not fit into a political box – he is authentic in each of his political beliefs. Regarding nuclear power, RFK Jr is very clear on where he stands – read below to find out! Is RFK Jr against nuclear power? He is opposed to nuclear power and considers it dangerous. He believes nuclear power plants are vulnerable to terrorism and accidents. He feels nuclear power is unnecessary given the potential of renewable energy sources like wind and solar. He advocates phasing out nuclear power plants and transitioning to renewables. He is critical of the nuclear power industry, arguing it is subsidized and exerts political influence to promote itself. He claims safety and environmental risks of nuclear plants are downplayed. He is against the construction of new nuclear power plants in the US. He also advocates shutting down existing plants as renewables can replace their capacity. He has raised concerns about the safety of spent nuclear fuel storage and supports efforts to move fuel from pools into dry cask storage. In sum, RFK Jr. takes an anti-nuclear stance and sees nuclear power as risky, unnecessary given other energy options, and propped up by industry influence rather than its own merits. He advocates phasing out nuclear power in favor of renewable energy sources. Why is RFK Jr against nuclear power plants? He has criticized the nuclear industry as being heavily subsidized by the government and has estimated that subsidies may total over $100 billion when factors like liability caps and loan guarantees are accounted for. He argues the industry would not be viable without this outside support. Kennedy has raised concerns about the aging of nuclear power plants in the US, some of which are operating decades past their originally projected lifespan. He argues safety risks increase as plants age. He was a high profile critic of the Indian Point nuclear plant located north of New York City, calling for its closure due to proximity to a major population center. The plant stopped operations in 2021. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011, Kennedy vocally advocated for a nuclear phase-out in the US, citing Fukushima as evidence of the risks. He has opposed storage of nuclear waste at the Yucca Mountain site in Nevada. Kennedy argues the site is geologically unstable and transportation of waste poses safety issues. He has pointed to alternatives like energy efficiency, smart grids, battery storage and microgrids as ways to transition off nuclear while maintaining reliable power. Kennedy has suggested the nuclear industry exaggerates the costs and challenges of relying on renewables alone to generate electricity. He argues a mix of wind, solar, hydro can meet energy needs. He contends that new smaller modular nuclear reactors are an unproven, expensive distraction from pursuing renewable energy development. RFK Jr work against nuclear reactors and nuclear waste and risks: He is on the board of advisors of the grassroots organization Beyond Nuclear, which calls for a nuclear-free world. This group also tracks and highlights safety issues at nuclear plants. Kennedy has spoken out against nuclear power exports from the US overseas. He does not think nuclear power should be promoted globally given its risks. He co-authored articles in 2009 opposing federal loan guarantees for new nuclear reactors, claiming taxpayers would bear the risk. After the 2011 Fukushima disaster, he advocated for radiation monitoring on the West Coast of the US and supported residents’ concerns about radiation reaching California. In his environmental law work, he has represented clients in lawsuits and licensing proceedings challenging proposed new reactors and storage facilities. Kennedy has criticized the nuclear industry and regulators for a “lax safety culture”, alleging cost-cutting leads to compromised safety. He has accused regulators like the Nuclear Regulatory Commission of being “captive” to the industry they oversee. He contends that decentralized renewable energy represents a democratization of electricity production in contrast to centralized nuclear plants. Kennedy has debated nuclear industry leaders in public forums, vigorously questioning claims of nuclear power’s safety and economic competitiveness. He remains a prominent anti-nuclear voice. Has Kennedy proposed any alternative solutions to nuclear power? Here are 9: Yes, he certainly has!! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has advocated for 9 alternative solutions to nuclear power: Renewable energy sources – He argues wind, solar, geothermal and hydroelectric power can be scaled up to replace nuclear generation. He supports large investments in these zero-emission technologies. Energy efficiency – Kennedy promotes energy conservation and efficiency improvements to reduce electricity demand growth, enabling more renewable penetration. Modernized grid – Upgrading transmission lines, implementing smart grid technology, and distributed generation can support more renewables. He backs policy support for these upgrades. Utility reform – He has called for changes to utility business and regulatory models to promote clean energy over nuclear and fossil fuels. This includes new incentives and rate structures. Battery storage – Kennedy sees large-scale batteries as a solution for intermittent solar/wind power. Storage can hold excess renewable energy when supply exceeds demand. Electrification – Replacing fossil fuel uses like vehicles with electric alternatives powered by renewable energy is another priority in his view. Public transportation – Kennedy advocates major expansion of public transit to reduce transportation related fossil fuel consumption. This eases the transition from nuclear/fossil electricity. Consumer incentives – Providing consumers subsidies, tax credits, and low-interest loans to adopt renewable energy and efficiency measures is another policy approach he champions. Carbon pricing – Kennedy has endorsed setting a price on carbon emissions to account for externalized costs, improving the economics of low-carbon alternatives. How does Kennedy suggest we implement a carbon pricing system? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has not proposed specific detailed plans for implementing carbon pricing, but he has advocated for it broadly and discussed some considerations: He has stated support for a revenue-neutral carbon tax to price emissions, but noted it may be difficult to get passed politically in the U.S. Kennedy has pointed to carbon cap-and-trade systems like the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative involving northeast states as a model that could be expanded. He

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rfk jr height

How Tall is RFK Jr?

Oddly enough, there is no official listing of RFK Jr’s height. Based on photos of him standing near others, descriptions of him, and the reported heights of other Kennedy family members, it seems reasonable to estimate that RFK Jr. is around 6’0″ to 6’2″ tall. Specific details of RFK Jr’s height, and compared to his father RFK and his uncle JFK: News articles often describe him as “tall” suggesting he is on the higher end of average height. IMDB lists him as 6’2. Photos show him as taller than his brother Joseph Kennedy II, who is reported to be 5’10”. He appears close in height to his late father, Robert F. Kennedy, who was described as 6’0″ or 6’1″. His uncle, President John F. Kennedy, was about 6’0″ and RFK Jr. looks slightly taller in some comparative photos. He is a few inches shorter than his cousin Robert F. Kennedy III who is estimated at 6’4″. Online height estimates for RFK Jr. range anywhere from 5’10” to 6’2″ but most aggregate around 6’1″. So while RFK Jr’s exact height is unknown publicly, the collective evidence points to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. likely standing around 6 feet 1 inch to 6 feet 2 inches tall. But this is an informed estimate given there is no definitive reported figure.  Related: Check out a shirtless RFK Jr working out for the cameras and media.

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Shirtless RFK Jr: Working Out, Bench Press, Steroids, Pushups, and More:

We all saw the shirtless pics of RFK Jr a while ago. And they took the internet by storm. The evidence of the popularity and interest of shirtless RFK Jr working out is right here in Google Trends: And in case you were wondering which states most searched for pics of a shirtless RFK Jr workout and bench press photos, look no further than Vermont: Okay, now that we have covered the important stuff, let’s explore some of the most searched for topics related to our topic of RFK Jr working out and exercising without wearing a shirt. What is RFK Jr’s exercise and workout routine? RFK Jr. is known to be an avid outdoorsman who enjoys activities like sailing, kayaking, skiing, and hiking. Being active outdoors is likely a major part of his overall fitness. He has said he enjoys tennis and runs 3-5 miles about 3 times per week when maintaining fitness. So aerobic cardio exercise is part of his routine. He swims regularly, up to a mile per day when possible. Swimming is a full-body workout that can improve endurance and strength. Yoga is also noted as one of his interests, so exercises like yoga could provide flexibility, balance, and mental focus to complement his cardio training. At 68 years old, RFK Jr. maintains an active lifestyle to stay fit and healthy. His workout routine likely involves a mix of aerobic exercise, strength training, flexibility, and taking advantage of outdoor activities whenever possible. But he does not seem to have one specific structured workout plan that is publicly known. His fitness regimen focuses on consistency, variety, and functional training suited to his lifestyle. How many LB can RFK Jr bench press? According to muscle and lifting experts who watched the tape, it appears that RFK Jr can lift an astonishing 115 LB of weights! And at age 68 that is very impressive! How many pushups can RFK Jr do? When asked on Fox and Friends by Brian Kilmeade, RFK Jr responded that he can do 50 pushups in a row. Hard hitting interview on Fox News for RFK Jr. Doocy: You’ve gone viral, not only with you message, but just your sheer masculinity! … What did that video teach you about the state of American politics in 2023? … Earhardt: How many pushups can you do?! — Lis Power (@LisPower1) July 14, 2023 Is RFK Jr Juicing on steroids or testosterone drugs? When the shirtless RFK Jr video leaked, there were immediate questions as to how this 68 year old man in jeans could be so buff and in shape. Immediately the question was asked: Is RFK Jr on steroids? Is RFK Jr taking performance enhancing drugs? Or testosterone. All of these questions were posed to RFK Jr and below is his answer. He has completely denied juicing or taking any steroids. However he has indeed admitted that he takes a 100% legal testosterone, as he called it: ‘an anti-aging protocol prescribed by his doctor that includes TRT’, a hormone treatment that in some cases can cause an increased risk of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. What is RFK Jr’s food diet? Workout routine? In the video above with Lex Friedman, he explains: “I do intermittent fasting, I eat first time in the day at 12 PM and I try to stop eating at 6 PM, or 7 PM. I hike every day in the morning, uphill for a mile and a half with my dogs, and I meditate. Then I go to the gym for 35 minutes. I have been exercising for 50 years. I do four different routines in the gym. I take a lot of vitamins – I can’t even list them here. I take a lot of vitamins and nutrients. I take testosterone replacement. I don’t take anabolic steroids. The DRD I use is bioidentical to my body type. Is there a political motive behind shirtless RFK Jr workout photos and videos? Well, here is a quote from the Daily Beast: “RFK Jr. apparently thinks that the best way to win the presidency is to be shirtless in showing people that he can lift weights and do pushups.” They may not be wrong – with a very creaky President Joe Biden falling down in public, it is no accident that RFK Jr is releasing these workout videos.

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rfk jr books

13 Books Written by RFK Jr – See the List and Reviews Here

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an accomplished environmental activist, attorney, and author, has made significant contributions to the literary landscape with his thought-provoking books. Throughout his career RFK Jr. has fearlessly delved into topics ranging from environmental conservation and public health to social justice and political analysis! Each page of his writings reflects his unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Below we cover RFK Jr’s 13 books published, and go through the pages of RFK Jr.’s notable books, exploring the ideas, insights, and revelations that have shaped his literary legacy. From stirring biographies to thought-provoking exposés, Kennedy Jr.’s writings offer readers a compelling invitation to contemplate and engage with some of the most pressing issues of our time. Join us as we delve into the captivating world of RFK Jr.’s literary works, discovering the power of his words and the impact they have on our collective consciousness. 10 Books Written by RFK Jr: “Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr.: A Biography” (1978): This book provides a biography of Judge Frank M. Johnson Jr., an influential federal judge known for his rulings on civil rights cases during the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. “The Riverkeepers: Two Activists Fight to Reclaim Our Environment as a Basic Human Right” (1997): Co-authored with John Cronin, this book tells the story of two activists who fought to protect and restore the environment, particularly focusing on the importance of clean water as a fundamental human right. “Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy” (2005): In this book, RFK Jr. criticizes the environmental policies of President George W. Bush and his administration, arguing that their actions harm the country’s natural resources and democratic processes. “Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury – a Known Neurotoxin – from Vaccines” (2014): Edited by Robert F. RFK Jr. this book presents scientific evidence supporting the removal of thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, from vaccines, raising concerns about its potential neurotoxic effects. “Framed: Why Michael Skakel Spent Over a Decade in Prison For a Murder He Didn’t Commit” (2016): In this book, RFK Jr. explores the case of Michael Skakel, who was wrongfully convicted for a murder he maintains he did not commit, shedding light on the flaws within the criminal justice system. “American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family” (2018): Drawing from his personal experiences, RFK Jr. shares insights and lessons learned from his family, particularly his father, Robert F. Kennedy, highlighting the importance of American values in shaping society. “Climate in Crisis: Who’s Causing It, Who’s Fighting It, and How We Can Reverse It Before It’s Too Late” (2020): Co-authored with Dick Russell, this book addresses the issue of climate change, exploring the causes behind it, the efforts to combat it, and potential solutions to reverse its effects. “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” (2021): RFK Jr. presents a critical examination of Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and the pharmaceutical industry, discussing their influence on public health policies and raising concerns about potential conflicts of interest. “A Letter to Liberals” (2022): In this book, RFK Jr. addresses liberal readers, discussing his perspectives on various political and social issues and offering insights into his vision for the future. “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio–Pharmaceutical Complex” (2022): Co-authored with John Leake and Peter A. McCullough, this book provides information and strategies for preventing severe illness and death from COVID-19, focusing on approaches beyond pharmaceutical interventions. Children’s Books by RFK Jr: “St. Francis of Assisi: A Life of Joy” (2004): A children’s book that tells the story of St. Francis of Assisi, emphasizing his life of joy and his love for animals and nature. “Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s American Heroes: The Story of Joshua Chamberlain and the American Civil War” (2007): Aimed at young readers, this book recounts the inspiring story of Joshua Chamberlain, a Civil War hero and a symbol of bravery and leadership. “Robert Smalls: The Boat Thief” (2008): This children’s book narrates the true story of Robert Smalls, an enslaved African American who courageously escaped slavery by stealing a Confederate ship during the American Civil War.

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larry david rfk jr

The Curious Relationship Between Larry David & RFK Jr

A multitude of pressing questions surround Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s decision to run for president in 2024 as a Democrat. Does he have any policy positions besides believing vaccines are harmful? Will his controversial remarks about Anne Frank resurface during campaigning? But most importantly, what does legendary comedian Larry David, the man responsible for inadvertently introducing RFK Jr. to his wife Cheryl Hines, think about all this? Could Larry David actually be supporting RFK Jr in his bid for the Oval Office? Does Larry David Support RFK Jr? The answer is a definitive no, regardless of what the prominent anti-vaxxer might want people to believe. In an interview with The New York Times profiling Hines, the son of Robert Kennedy and nephew of John F. Kennedy claimed “I feel a lot of support and love from most of her friends, including Larry” regarding his presidential campaign. This might lead some to think Larry David backed Kennedy’s candidacy, but the Seinfeld creator was quick to clarify, texting the Times “Yes love and support, but I’m not ‘supporting’ him.” David’s lack of endorsement likely stems from the fact that Trump advisor Steve Bannon has supposedly “been supportive of Mr. Kennedy’s campaign” and even “floated the idea of a Trump-Kennedy ticket.” Additionally, notorious conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has also “expressed enthusiasm” about the bid. Kennedy asserted to the Times he’s “never spoken to Mr. Bannon or Mr. Jones about my presidential campaign”, but his failure to reject Jones’ endorsement raises concerns. Larry David’s Role in Matchmaking RFK Jr and Cheryl Hines Years ago at a fateful party, comedy legend Larry David unwittingly performed matchmaking duties between Cheryl Hines and her future husband Robert F. Kennedy Jr. As Hines recalled on Alec Baldwin’s podcast, David simply introduced them “just because we were at the same event.” Little did the Curb Your Enthusiasm star know his polite gestures would pave the way for a prominent anti-vaxxer to join his TV family. Upon hearing of Hines’ attraction, David desperately tried stuffing the genie back in the bottle, with Hines remembering “Larry was like, ‘That’s a terrible idea. No, no, no, don’t get involved.’” But alas, the fireworks had already erupted between the unlikely pair. “Cut to – we’ve been married for eight years,” Hines revealed. “I think I’ve taught him to – I don’t want to say lighten up,” Hines mentioned of her husband’s zealous activism. She told Baldwin she hopes she’s “teaching him to check it at the door.” With Kennedy heavily invested in so many grave causes, Hines occasionally needs relief, saying “Sometimes you just need to watch 30 Rock and get your mind off things.” Hines has publicly contradicted some of Kennedy’s more extreme views, denouncing his offensive comparison of vaccine mandates to the Holocaust as “reprehensible and insensitive.” She told Baldwin his intensity occasionally exhausts her, admitting “Sometimes I get so frustrated and I’m like, ‘Look, yes, we’re all dying of everything. Whatever you think is killing us, it is.’” Does Larry David Regret Introducing RFK Jr and Cheryl Hines? So while David likely regrets making the introduction, at least Hines provides some much-needed comic relief for her solemn spouse. She seems to have embraced the unlikely pairing that resulted from David’s inadvertent matchmaking.

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hpv vaccine

RFK Jr on the HPV Vaccine

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been known to express skepticism and criticism regarding the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. He has been associated with the anti-vaccine movement and has made various claims about the HPV vaccine. There is significant mainstream science against RFK Jr’s claims. However, below we will present his claims in an unbiased manner: Kennedy has alleged that the HPV vaccine is unsafe and has raised concerns about potential side effects, including the development of autoimmune disorders. The overwhelming consensus among medical professionals and organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), is that the HPV vaccine is a crucial tool in preventing HPV infections and related diseases, including cervical cancer. The vaccine has undergone rigorous testing and has been proven to be both safe and effective in preventing HPV infections and associated health issues. What are the risks or side effects associated with HPV vaccines? The risks associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine are generally minimal and rare. Like any medical intervention, vaccines can have side effects, but they are typically mild and temporary. The most common side effects of the HPV vaccine include: Pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site. Headache. Fatigue or tiredness. Muscle or joint pain. Fever. These side effects are usually short-lived and resolve on their own without any long-term consequences. Are there significant risks associated with HPV vaccines as claimed by RFK Jr? Serious risks associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine are exceedingly rare. The vaccine has undergone extensive testing and has been found to be safe and effective by numerous studies and health organizations. However, it’s important to note that no medical intervention is entirely without risks, and some rare adverse events have been reported. Is anaphylaxis an allergic reaction to HPV vaccines? One rare but serious condition associated with the HPV vaccine is anaphylaxis, which is a severe allergic reaction. Anaphylaxis occurs in response to various triggers, including vaccines, but it is extremely uncommon. Vaccine providers are trained to handle such situations and have protocols in place to manage any allergic reactions that may occur. In some cases, individuals may experience fainting or syncope after receiving the HPV vaccine. This can be a temporary reaction to the vaccination process itself or may be associated with anxiety or fear of needles. It is important for vaccine recipients to remain seated for a short time after vaccination to prevent injuries from fainting. There have been claims linking the HPV vaccine to certain conditions such as autoimmune disorders, chronic pain, or neurological disorders. However, extensive scientific research and studies have not found any credible evidence to support these claims. The overwhelming consensus among medical experts and organizations is that the benefits of the HPV vaccine greatly outweigh any potential risks.

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