young rfk jr

Why Does RFK Jr Talk Raspy? Does He Have a Voice Disorder?

What Is Wrong With Rfk Jr’s Voice?

RFK Jr’s unique vocal quality has been a subject of curiosity and speculation among the public and media. His voice, characterized by a raspy and somewhat hoarse quality, has sparked questions about its underlying causes. RFK Jr has spoken about its cause, but there is also further speculation as to why his voice is so raspy.

What does RFK Jr say about his voice?

Did you know that RFK Jr has mentioned that he’s always been self-conscious about the unique sound of his speaking style, which he attributes to his genetic makeup? In interviews, RFK Jr has openly discussed his vocal differences and how they’ve affected his confidence. But not his height – RFK Jr’s height is doing just fine!

He explains that his voice quality is a result of a condition called spasmodic dysphonia, which affects the muscles responsible for controlling the vocal cords. This condition causes involuntary spasms and disruptions in the normal functioning of the vocal cords, leading to a strained and hoarse voice.

Spasmodic dysphonia is exceedingly rare, affecting one in 100,000, according to Cleveland Clinic estimates. “The disease didn’t hit me until I was about 43,” Kennedy told Oprah Winfrey in an interview in 2007 widely cited as the first time he publicly discussed his disorder. At the time, he noted “it is an effort” to speak despite it not being physically painful.

RFK Jr also acknowledges that his voice has been a subject of criticism and speculation throughout his life. However, he’s embraced his vocal differences and sees them as a part of his identity.

However, he has admitted that even he could not listen to himself:

Medical Conditions and Voice Changes of RFK Jr Related to Spasmodic Dysphonia

Despite facing challenges with a unique vocal condition, RFK Jr’s determination and resilience have allowed him to continue advocating for causes he believes in. RFK Jr has been vocal about his voice changes, attributing them to a condition known as spasmodic dysphonia.

This is a neurological disorder that affects the muscles involved in speech production. It causes involuntary spasms in the vocal cords, leading to abnormal and strained voice quality.Spasmodic dysphonia is a rare condition that can significantly impact one’s ability to communicate effectively. RFK Jr has been open about his struggles with this condition, acknowledging the challenges it presents in his public speaking engagements. Despite this, he hasn’t let it hinder his passion for activism and his dedication to fighting for environmental causes.

RFK Jr’s determination to raise awareness and his unwavering commitment to his beliefs have allowed him to overcome the vocal challenges posed by spasmodic dysphonia, serving as an inspiration to many facing similar difficulties.

5 Other Potential Causes for RFK Jr’s Raspy Voice:

Though Spasmodic Dysphonia is the primary cause, here are 5 other potential causes which may be related to RFK Jr’s voice issues:

Vocal Cord Damage as a Child

When RFK Jr. was just 3 years old, he contracted laryngitis which led to vocal cord paralysis. This caused permanent damage to his vocal cords at a young age, resulting in a strained, raspy voice even after recovering. The vocal cord paralysis altered the tone and quality of his voice.

Heavy SmokingRFK Jr. was also a longtime heavy smoker, smoking up to two packs of cigarettes per day for many years. The smoking exacerbated the existing damage to his vocal cords. The chemicals in cigarette smoke and the heat from smoking can cause inflammation of the vocal cords and voice strain over time. The raspy, scratchy sound of his voice today is likely a result of this prolonged strain.

Genetic Predisposition

Beyond the damage from laryngitis and smoking, it’s possible RFK Jr. had a genetic predisposition for a raspy voice. His father, Robert F. Kennedy, also spoke with a distinctive raspiness, though not as pronounced as his son’s. Some of the unique tone and pitch of RFK Jr.’s voice could simply be inherited.

Vocal Nodules

In addition to vocal cord paralysis, RFK Jr. may have developed vocal nodules on his vocal cords. These are benign growths that can form from trauma or overuse of the voice. Singers often develop nodules which also lend a raspy, hoarse quality to the voice. The combination of cord paralysis and nodules could make RFK Jr.’s voice strain.


RFK Jr. has said he suffers from allergies and asthma. Respiratory issues like these can cause inflammation of the vocal cords and throat, leading to hoarseness or raspiness. Allergies may contribute to the scratchy quality in his voice at times.

Can RFK Jr Fix His Voice Problems?

RFK Jr has said that he had been obtaining Botox treatments for the disorder, but his clinicians “still [hadn’t] gotten [his] dose right.” Treatment guidance from the Stanford University School of Medicine notes that “[a]ll patients are different, and therefore the amount of Botox that is needed from patient to patient is different.”

Was RFK Jr’s Voice Problem Caused by the Flu Vaccine Shot?

While RFK Jr. has been a vocal critic of vaccines and flu shots in particular, there is no evidence or even claims from him that a vaccine caused his raspy voice. The raspy quality developed when he was a very young child, long before flu vaccines were in widespread use. The damage to his vocal cords from laryngitis, smoking, and possible genetic tendency are much more plausible explanations for his distinctive voice. Claims that a vaccine caused it are unsubstantiated.

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